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Health News

German study confirms breast screening's mortality reduction

High risk women should start screening sooner.

Managing the Misinformation

Newer breast screening technology may spot more cancers

No Reason to Stop Mammography Screening at age 75

New tool calculates breast cancer risk with greater precision

Digital Mammography Increases Breast Cancer Detection

Philips debuts integrated breast ultrasound solution to make exams easier and faster for patients and clinicians

New recommendations for breast cancer screening

New Spanish Language Exercise Program Introduced for Breast Cancer Survivors

Seeking Clarity   MBI Helps Illuminate Dense Breast Tissue

EWBC Researchers Demonstrate a Strong Linear Correlation Between Volumetric Breast Density and the Sensitivity of Mammography

Adjunct Screening with Tomosynthesis or Ultrasound in Women with Mammography Negative Dense Breasts  Interim Report of a Prospective Comparative Trial

Breast Cancer Screening Using Tomosynthesis and Digital Mammography in Dense and Nondense Breasts

Breast cancer screening effect across breast density strata  A case control study

Variation in Mammographic Breast Density Assessments Among Radiologist in Clinical Practice

Implanted device acts as decoy to attract cancer cells

Tool models Hispanic women's breast cancer risk

Breast Radiologist Increasingly Collaborating With, and adding Value to,

Multidisciplinary Care Teams

Large Study Finds No Evidence for Age-based Mammography Cut-off

More funding needed for ovarian cancer research, prevention

Don't jump into genetic testing for breast cancer, experts say

Education by radiologists may decrease breast cancer screening anxiety.

Research Proves Tomosynthesis Increases Early Detection

Gene Tests Identify Breast Cancer Patients Who Can Skip Chemotherapy, Study says.

Molecular brest imaging frinds cancers that mammograms don't

From breast exams to childbirth, ultrasound is gaining momentum

Unlikely drug may block breast cancer in high-risk women

Common Molecular Breast Imaging indications

Diet High in Animal Fats Could Put Menopausal Women at Greater Risk of Breast Cancer

New method for predicting breast cancer risk suggests about 30% of cases could be prevented

Extending anti-estrogen therapy to 10 years reduces breast-cancer recurrence, new cancers

Meeting the increasing demands of breast imaging

Aetna covers breast cancer test from NanoString

Scientists say they have definitive list of breast cancer-linked genes

Breast density letters may leave women unsure of next steps

Study reveals lack of clarification in breast density notifications

Thyroid lesion reclassification could spare patients aggressive treatment

Is it rational for breast cancer patients to have bilateral mastestomies?

Late night eating may raise likelihood of breast cancer recurrence

21 Gene panel may let some breast cancer patients skip chemo

Rate of prophylactic bilateral mastectomy rising

Breast cancerf recurrence risk drops as event-free survival lengthens

Unneeded Suffering

Thyroid, breast cancers linked

Lower Breast Cancer Risk Seen with Higher Fiber Intake in Adolescence

Truven Health Analytics Study Finds New Breast Tomosynthesis Cancer Screening Technology Detects Disease Earlier, Saves Millions in Unnecessary Procedures

Smoking tied to increased mortality risk in women with breast cancer

ACR, SBI  Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations Could endanger Women

Information about Spanish speaking prenatal courses

Multiple Breast Lesions on US to be Assessed Separately

Ultrasound Breast Cancer Detection Rate Comparable To Mammography

False Positive Mammograms May Indicate Increased of Breast Cancer Later

Breast Ultrasound Helps Mammography Find More Cancer

High Grade DCIS Detection Rates Increase in Older Women

Dense breast info-Fact Sheet

MRI Could Aid Breast Cancer Detection in Average-Risk Women

Dutch data show breast cancer screening works

Surgeon seeks to help women navigate breast cancer treatment

Mediterranean diet with olive oil linked to reduced risk of breast cancer

New York Times Article on DCIS  my opposing view

Beyond BRCA  Promising results with multigene testing for breast cancer

Alcohol Consumption, mammographic density and breast cancer risk

Screening dense breast tissue with MBI, mammography increases cancer detection

Tell-tale Biomarker Detects Early Breast Cancer in NIH funded Study

Florida Surgeon Helps Pioneer Innovative Approach to Treating Breast Cancer

Generic drug combo may improve breast cancer outcomes

Read the last page of THE LEAFLET!

Mammo Radiation Dose Thirty percent Lower than Thought

Mandatory Reporting of Breast Density in Screening Mammograms.  Why the Controversy?

Why Women Shouldn't Cower to Concerns about Overdiagnosis of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancers are Rising in Younger and in Older Women:  Reasons for Concern

Study ties sleep duration, snoring to breast cancer outcomes

Women need to know more than just how dense their breast tissue is

Fetal DNA Test May Also Help Spot Mom's Cancer

Study finds safer drug to prevent return of breast cancer

Family history may not impact breast cancer survical odds

 MRI Shows Potential to Improve Breast Cancer Risk Prediction

Screening Mammography Rates in the Medicare Population before and after the 209 USPSTF Guideline Change

Molecular Breast Imaging Improves Detection in Women With Dense Breast Tissue

Men with High Estrogen Levels Could Be at Greater Risk of Breast Cancer

This Breast Cancer Screening Method Catches Way More Tumors Than Mammography

Dr. Daniel Kopans  Topol ignores facts on mammography

Breast tomo proves value for detecting calcifications

Should women over 75 be screened for breast cancer?

VuComp Files PMA for Computer-Aided Detection for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

Breast Denisty Update


Evolving Genetic Testing

Fifty percent increase in breast cancer cases by 2030

Breast Cancer Detection Rates On Screening Mammography Among Older Women Are Within Recommended Detection Rates For Younger Women.

Can The Mammogram Panel Read A Mammogram?

Denser breast may put black women at greater risk for breast cancer

Study predicts breast cancer incidence will grow by 50% in 15 years

Many Women with breast cancer want to understand genetic risks

3D Transvaginal US Performs Better Than HSG In Women With Uterine Abnormalities

Breakthrough Discovery May Eventually Enhance Detecton Of Genetic Problems In Fetuses

Clinical Management of Nearly One-Third of Breast Cancer Patients
Altered by MRI

Administration Announces Regulations Requiring New Health Insurance Plans to Provide Free Preventive Care

Women Matter-New Breast Cancer Technology

Women need mammograms, but when-how often

Mammography patients feel pinch of recession

Approach to Radiologic Imaging and Diagnosis of female infertility

Declining Mammography Rates Portend Potential Preventive Care Crisis

Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Lexicon for US

Breast imaging innovations yield excitement, anticipation





Copyright 2004-25  Weinstein Imaging Associates, Pittsburgh, PA       North Hills 412-630-2649  •  Bloomfield 412-441-1161  •  South Hills 412-440-6999
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